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Trailer Coming Soon | Project Box Playable Teaser
Por ahora podrán descargar Project Box desde itchio, ya que GameJolt elimino la pagina
For now, you can download Project Box from itchio, as GameJolt has removed the page.
Prepárense, por que exactamente en 39 horas estará disponible Project Box Playable Teaser para todos!
Get ready, because in exactly 39 hours, Project Box Playable Teaser will be available for everyone!
My Artistic Block
Mi Bloque Artistico
Les dejo una nota que nos hicieron los chicos de No game News!
"They’re here. They’re looking for me..." | Project Box Playable Teaser
"They've been looking for you... Charlie." | Project Box Playable Teaser
Hola a todos! Feliz año nuevo! Espero que la pasen genial en estas fiestas!
Hello everyone! Happy New Year! I hope you all have a great time during these holidays!
El pasado y provenir de project box.
The past and future of Project Box.
Project Box Playable Teaser will be available on September 7th for Windows, Android, and Android TV!