Live Incident at Freddy's 2: Re-Take

2 days ago

|ENG| The Return to Freddy's: The Original Lore's Full Analisys & Retrospective | Part 1

From Good Take on FNaF a Horrible Mess...


Disclaimer: Most of this post is actually just my theories & speculations. The lore of this series was so confusing, that i don't sure if I will EVER find the truth. If you have some information i don't know about, or I made some mistakes, or you have your own theories, it will be pleasure if you leave it in comments.

Little History Lesson

The Return to Freddy's 1

So, you definitly know what is Five Nights at Freddy's, right? And I'm pretty sure you could also hear about "The Return to Freddy's" fan-game series. For those who don't, or forget about this serirs, well.....back in late November of 2014, when original FNaF 1 & 2 were just released, & our legend Scott Cawthon announced FNaF 3, there was one random kiddo, named Tyler Ahlström(more known as BFPFilms424 by the time), who was both so excited, & yet so tired of waiting for a third game, so unlike other "unpatient fans" he decided to not just WAIT for Scott's FNaF 3.......but instead make his "OWN" FNaF 3, by using the source code, files & sprites from both FNaF 1 and 2, & then mixing them together, like a mod. THEN, on December 23rd, 2014, for almost 3 months before the official FNaF 3 release, Tyler finally published his "Five Nights at Freddy's 3: Fan-Made". The game gained.....pretty much of popularity, due to the clickbait in the title(which ironically wasn't even intended), youtubers, & just a random naive kids, who unironically thought that this is official third FNaF. Thing gone for so far that many new fans couldn't even understand that this game is NOT actually an offficial, & even Scott himself then asked Tyler to change its title. On January 5th, 2015, it get a major update, with being now known as "The Return to Freddy's 1", or TRTF 1 for short.

The Return to Freddy's 2-4

Also, around of the middle of December, when FNaF 3: Fan-Made was almost finished, Tyler also thought about making his own FNaF 4(as he was upset when Scott said he don't planning on making the official fourth game, wanting the third one to be the final chapter), & thats when he started working on his "Five Nights at Freddy's 4: Fan-Made", which then became just "The Return to Freddy's 2", for already told reasons. On March 18th, 2015, the game was finally released, in order to celebrate the final release of official FNaF 3, & despite not getting the same attention as the first game(it's older version, to be exact), it was way better than TRTF 1, as Tyler decided to get rid of sprites from FNaF 1-3, & made his own models & renders.

THEN, after the original FNaF 4 was finally announced, Tyler decided that it would be good time to make a trequel, in order to kill some time before the official game's release(+people who loved TRTF 2 wanted him to continue). Thats how on April 25th, 2015, "The Return to Freddy's 3" was finally released. The game gained even more popularity than first game, & in my opinion, still is the best fame in the series. At that moment, Tyler wanted TRTF 3 to be the final game, but people still wanted him to make a sequel(+the lore of the series still had lots of plot holes & untevealed secrets. But we will discuss it later), and also, he was kinda disappointed by the original TRTF 1, which was.....well, pretty bad(like seriously, it was just FNaF 1 but with mask & broken doors), so in order to finally put an end to this story, he decided to make a "remaster/requel" of the first game, that turned into what we know now as "The Return to Freddy's 4", which was originally planned to be released on December 23rd, 2015, in order to celebrate both the upcoming release of the official FNaF 4, & both TRTF 1 anniversary.

Unfortunally, due to.....personal problems in his life(as I know, he broke up with his "girlfriend", & was kinda depressed after this. If I'm wrong—correct me in the comments), the game was rushed & dropped on May 19th. Despite also gaining some popularity(more than the first game's old version, but lesser than the third game), & also having the best visuals in the series, TRTF 4 plays WAAAY worse then previous game, as it was NEVER properly finished, leaving it still very buggy & unpolished. Tyler himself, after that, decided to leave the internet for a while. He even was assumed to commiting suicide, before he hopefully came back.

Current state of the saga

Tyler then decided that he maybe should just reboot the whole series, in one big game. The game was "The Return to Freddy's: Remastered", before it was renamed in just "The Return to Freddy's 5", & became the separate entry. Unlike previous games, this game had a whole team behind its development, but unfortunally, in 2016, the game was just cancelled, along with it's later revival "The Return to Freddy's: Desolation", various spin-offs, like "The Return to Freddy's: _RADSLA_" or "The Return to Freddy's: FRANKBURT'S", & various remakes, revivals, & just major updates of the older games.

At the same time, there was one specific remake, known as "The Return to Freddy's: Chapter 1", which wasn't canceled completely, but was renamed in "The Road That Falls", with all FNaF gameplay, characters, lore, or any other related stuff, being completely removed, as the game now has NO connection to original TRTF series, & FNaF franchise as a whole, becoming a completely separate & original product, with its planned sequel-” The Road That Falls V", where "V" stands for "5" in Roman, meaning that this game is The Road that Falls equivalent of TRTF 5

Anyway back to our topic.

Today's Topic

So......tbh, idk how to start this properly, but....since I first was introduced to TRTF, & was interested in the games' lore, I found out about "The Return to Freddy's: The Dreadful Truth" "book", made by Tyler back in 2016 in order to explain TRTF story as a whole, but......I was kinda surprised how this "book" tells COMPLETELY different story from what I saw in the games. Later, i finally managed to find the answer, which was pretty simple—retcons. As you can see, Tyler is.....kinda bad storyteller, let's be honest, & due to that, somewhere around the TRTF 3-4 era, the plot was retconned like in EVERY DARN GAME, so it's kinda hard to understand what is going on in the older games, as the newer ones may just retcon everything, & never explain the earlier plotholes.

And for this reason, I decided that it would be fun & cool to summarize the entire lore of The Return to Freddy's 1-4, & see how it changed from time to time. Also, I need to note a very important moment—I'll use ONLY evidence from released 4 games(+TRTF 5 teaser games, Tyler's own words, &....well, basic common sense)! I'll NOT use The Dreadful Truth, _RADSLA_, Desolatotion, remakes of older games, & etc., as proofs for anything, as they have completely different stories, mostly retconning everything from original saga.

Anyway, LET'S-A GO!

The Return to Freddy's 1-2 Era

I decided to chose TRTF 1 & 2 as the start, as the lore we in these 2 games is more or less match the original FNaF lore, & the second game contains almost NO retcons to the first one.

1975-The Return to Freddy's 2


So, according to Tyler's one VEEEERY old post on Gamejolt, that was lost to time & found by the WayBack Machine, along with TRTF 2 Night 5 paycheck, our story starts in late 1975, Autumn to be exact. One day, local enterpriser, known as Mr. FredBear(probably just a nickname), decided to start his own business by opening a brand-new family restaurant, that he named after himself — "FredBear's Family Diner". He also founded a small company, named "FazBear Entertainment", & even signed a partnership with local robotic factory, ordering a series of high-technological animatronic robots, serving as the mascots for his diner.

First 2 animatronics to be created were "Freddy FazBear"(AKA "FredBear" himself) — yellow bear with black tophat, bowtie, buttons & microphone, serving as the main mascot, & "Bonnie the Bunny" — yellow bunny with greenish bowtie & black buttons. Later on, when they were creating "Chica the Chicken" — yellow chicken with white bib with "Let's Eat!" text on it, & a "living" cupcake with pink cream, Mr. FredBear & his new company he founded probably decided that making 3 yellow mascots in a row will be a bit lame & boring(or according to localPhone Guy, Freddy & Bonnie's designs maybe just gave him some bad feelings & memories from the past. Maybe he even had sort of OCD), so they decided order a new suits for them — Freddy became brown, & Bonnie became lavanger, with his bowtie becoming red. Their older yellow suits, now known as "Golden Freddy" & "Golden Bonnie"(AKA "SpringBonnie", or "SpringTrap"), were both then just thrown away in "Parts/Service" room at the basement. Along with that, 2 more secondary mascots were created: "Foxy the Pirate Fox" — red pirate-themed fox with brown shorts, black eyepatch & metal hook, & "Sugar the Cat"(or "Candy the Cat", if you love FNaC) — blue-&-white cat with red-bowtie & rosey cheeks, serving as the "shopkeeper" at local prize corner in Party Room. Everything was working just fine, before one day, on November 5th–6th, 1975, some kids were VEEERY dispissed by Sugar(probably cuz he was too boring & lame), that they literally just started breaking & tearing him apart. Poor kitten was then sent to the same "Parts/Service" room where Golden Freddy & Bonnie were stored, before getting replaced by "The Puppet" — tall & lanky, black-&-white, humanoid-like puppet with white clown mask, rosey cheeks & lips, blue tearstains, & white strips on his arms & legs.

After 1-2 days after that incident, on November 7th, 1975, a random guy named Cawnoth Cotts decided to apply for a job as the new nightguard of this place, & on the next very day, his first night just starts. And YES, mah friends, THIS is were TRTF 2 events are finally takes their place on the timeline! But apparently....Cawnoth's nightshift was going pretty well — yeah, the animatronics were already walking around & tried to get him(according to Phone Guy, robots were thinking that Cawnoth is a bare endoskeleton, due to a programm failure, & just tried to stuff him in the empty suit), but nothing paranormal was actually happening. Company even started adding more characters to the cast — for example, somewhere between Night 2 & 3, they decided to retrofit the OG Sugar's concept, & turned it into a brand-new model, now known as "Kitty FazCat" — pink magician cat with rosey cheeks, red bowtie, black tophat with red strip & black wand. She was serving as some sort of Sugar's second replacement along with Puppet, despite she's not a gift-giving robot, & entertains kids in her own Party Room. Also somewhere between Night 3 & 4, they ordered "Dug the Dog"(or "Sparky the Dog", if you want) — brown dog with black bowtie & rosey cheeks, serving as Kitty's assistant. Fun Fact: according to Phone Guy, they didn't even originally came up with his name by themselves — children just called him by that, & the company decided to use it.

But the TRUE horror happened on November 12th, 1975, somewhere between Night 4 & 5. According to Phoney, some kids(or at least 1 child) just gone missing, & police couldn't find them. In fact, according to mini-games we see in both TRTF 1 & 2, there was some creep called "Fritz Smith"(AKA "Purple Guy"), who worked here as the dayshift guard, & who turns out to be a murderer. During the late evening, for some unkown weird reasons, this guy just sneak in the "Parts/Service" were Golden suits were stored, worn one of the suits(in TRTF 1 "1/9/8/7/0/0/0" mini-game he uses Golden Freddy, but from what we can see in SpringBonnie & Shadow Lockjaw mini-games in TRTF 2, I assume that it maybe was retconned & changed to SpringBonnie), & then just straigt up killed 4 innocent little kids, probably luring them in the same very room. Along with that, from what we can also see in SpringBonnie mini-game, he also kidnapped some random little boy, who was crying outside of the building(according to already mentioned Tyler's post, this boy had lost his mother at some moment). According to the same Tyler's post, in some way or another, the kid was locked in the empty room with only Puppet's music box being inside, with no food or water, leading him to literally commiting suicide, probably by using Puppet's strings as ropes & just hanging himself(in "Follow the Puppet" mini-game, you even can see her music box with blood leaking out of the top).

After that, the soul of the child possessed the Puppet himself, & as his ghost watched other kids being murdered, he decided to stop this once & for all! He helps other children by stuffing their corpses inside of Freddy, Bonnie, Chica & Foxy, leading their souls to also possess these animatronics. So yeah, Night 5 is the FIRST ever night in the series when animatronics are canonically get possessed by Fritz' victims. Oh, & remember Golden Freddy? Well, while other 4 kids were possessing the 4 main animatronics, being able to fully free roam the building, Puppet couldn't even normally move, until the music box will go unwinded. Obviously, Puppet child didn't liked that, so in order to help his new friends, he sometimes was just wenting out of the Puppet body, possessing Golden Freddy suit, & appearing in Cawnoth's office. Why they were attacking him, you may ask? Well, they just saw him as their killer, as their new "curse" probably just made them see every adult as him. Along with that, according to Phoney on Night 6, animatronics got a horrible rotting smell, as well as something looking like blood was leaking out of them. Obviously, the restaurant closed after that, & was left to rot for many years.

1987-Original Five Nights at Freddy's 2

Before the Missing Children Incident happened, some other local influencer was talking with CEO about buying the FazBear franchise, & company as whole. At first, CEO denied, but as FFD was closed, Mr. FredBear finally decided to sell the company to this new owner. 12 years later, around Autumn of 1987, the place got Grand–Reopening, & turned into what we know as "Freddy FazBear's Pizza". Sugar, Kitty & Dug were demolished & utilized(or probably sold), but as they & Puppet were the most technologically advanced, they decided to made a new series of robots based on their models. Thats how we got "Freddy FazBear 2.0"(AKA "Toy Freddy") — more cartoony version of Freddy, with rosey cheeks & red strip on a hat, "Bonnie the Bunny 2.0"(AKA "Toy Bonnie") — also more cartoony & "feminine" cyan version of Bonnie with rosey cheeks, "Chica the Chicken 2.0"(AKA "Toy Chica") — more thin & feminine version of Chica with pinky cheeks, pink panties/shorts & "Let's Party!" on a bib, "Foxy the Pirate Fox 2.0"(AKA "Toy Foxy") — female white-&-pink version of Foxy with rosey cheeks, red bowtie & no eyepatch or shorts, & a brand-new "Balloon Boy" — small human-like doll with red-&-blue shirt & hat, blue jeans, sign with "Balloons!" on it, and a red balloon with yellow strip. Their original counterparts, who were dismantled through the years(+they were probably used for a newer models), & became Withered Freddy, Withered Bonnie, Withered Chica & Withered Foxy, were thrown away to the "Parts/Service", with the children's bodies being already found & taken out. Puppet, on the other hand, was just a bit repaired, & still used. The souls of children still were inside all of them anyway. Along with that, kids just SO disliked a new Foxy model, that they just broke her apart, just like Sugar. They were breaking her so many times, that workers were tired of repairing her & just left her like that, turning her into a new "Take-Apart-&-Put-Back-Together" attraction, giving her a new name — "The Mangle"

Anyway, on November 7th, 1987, another guy, named Jeremy Fitzgerald applied for a job as the new nightguard instead of Cawnoth. Thats were original FNaF 2 events finally started! It wasn't so interesting, apparantly — Jeremy just survived his first 5 nights, & on November 12, 1987, somewhere between Night 5 & 6, Fritz probably striken back, as Phoney(who is the same Phone Guy that instructed Cawnoth in FFD) states that "yellow suit" was used for something. It's unknown if he did killed anyone yet, but Toy Animatronics already started acting weird & agressive to adults, just like FFD cast, probably cuz of being under Puppet's control. After Jeremy survived his Night 6, the owner decided to move him to dayshift, as former dayguard(probably Fritz) left his position....for some reasons. Then, the infamous "The Bite of '87" happened, where some robot just bitten someone's frontal lob. Victim(probably Jeremy himself) probably didn't survived. Along with that, Fritz killed 5 more children, probably without even luring them anywhere — just straight up murdering every single kid who was alone in the room with no one witnessing(probably, Purple Guy also was responsible for the bite too, using it as distraction). On Night 7, we instead play as Fritz himself, who applied for a nightshift to replace Jeremy & to mess with animatronics even more(or probably to just completely deactivate all of them). Thats also where FNaF 2's "SAVE THEM" or TRTF 2's "Follow the Puppet" mini-game can take place. Anyway, pizzeria got closed & abandoned once again, & Fritz got fired.

1994-Original Five Nights at Freddy's 1

Around 7 years after FFP was left to rot, in 1994, FazBear Ent. decided to finally save their brand, & open yet another pizzeria under the same name. Toy Animatronics were probably demolished & utilized(Toy Freddy, Toy Bonnie, Toy Chica & Mangle at least), & their parts, along with money they earned, were spent to repair & rebuilt Withereds, turning them in what we known as "Freddy FazBear 3.0", "Bonnie the Bunny 3.0", "Chica the Chicken 3.0", & "Foxy the Pirate Fox 3". They then were sent to a way smaller & budget building & thats how new & improved "Freddy FazBear's Pizza" was created. But due to all of that bad reputation this company was dirted, & general anti-sanutation, it was closed yet again.

Along with that, they started to seek for new nightguard, but as the animatronics still being possessed by children during the night(Puppet wasn't around anymore, but his spirit still was here, taking form of Golden Freddy. It's unknown if the suit was even there, as it probably was left in FNaF 2-TRTF 2 location, in the state of Withered Golden Freddy), most of applied ones either were killed, or just willingly fired. Even our poor fella Phone Guy "fallen victim" at some point — he was left for nightshift for a week, recording new instrucrions every night for next guards who will work after him, before one day, during Night 4, Fritz Smith himself, wearing Golden Freddy suit from the older location, decided to finally eliminate his final witness, FINAL VICTIM! Surprisingly enough, Phoney survived — probably, he just ran away back home when Fritz attacked. On the next week, on November 7th, 1994, the guy named "Mike Schmidt" decided to apply for a job, & thats where original FNaF 1 events finally takes place. Nothing interesting happened, apparently — he just survived his whole week, on Night 5 he got a phone call, pressumably from Golden Freddy, & then got fired from tampering with animatronics. The place got abandoned, with poor souls being left to rot yet again.

2015-The Return to Freddy's 1

It was November, 2015. 21 years have passed since the last Freddy's was closed, & once again, FazBear Entertainment decided to strike back, & put their last shot on saving their brand. They were literally on verge of bankrupcy, & the only think they could do is just move back to FNaF 1 location, closed back in 1994, & try their best to restore it, & repair all of the mascots. They even brought back The Puppet, who was probably not demolished, being just left in FNaF 2 location. They maybe even found a Balloon Boy, who was broken beyond repair, & now known as "Withered Balloon Boy"(AKA "Ghoul Balloon Boy").

Along with that, Phone Guy from all of the previous locations was also back, as well as Mike, who once again decided to apply for a job as a nightguard, due to his bad financial situation. Souls were still trying to get him, as they still couldn't understand who is their murderer. Also, during Night 5 phone call, Phoney unfortunately dies, now for real! From what he tells, some shadowy figure, with long hair & knife in their hand tried to get him, & even when he ran away back home, that apparation still found their way to attacj him. He even heard some strange voices in his head, like "My Son...", or "WHY?!"(remember I mentioned about Tyler confirmation that Puppet Child had his mother passed away? So, from my understanding, that shadowy figure was actually his mother. Maybe she just mistook poor Phoney man as her dear son's killer). Along with that, on Night 6, Fritz ALSO strikes back! He found out that Phone Guy was already dead, but he still know that Mike can know something. In order to stop it, he wears the same Golden Freddy suit he once used to eliminate Phoney on his Night 6, & now he will use it yet again to murder Mike, finally erasing the last witness on his list. Fortunately for Michael, he hopefully survived this night, & as 6 AM just striken the clock, police officers were already standing right behind Fritz. FINALLY, after all these years, the killer of 4 children & 1 missing child was arrested, & this nightmare came to the end! Well.....kinda. From what we can assume, animatronics still possessed, & the souls were never set free.

Anyway, Mike decided to retire, & find a better job, leaving the ending....pretty ambigious. That could be fixed by TRTF 3, which was originally set in December of 2015—a month after TRTF 1 events, buuuut.....well, I'll explain in the next chapter, okay.


Conclusion & Theories

Well....thats was the first chapter of my retrospective/analysis of entire TRTF lore. And to be honest.....the story we got from this was....kinda vague. It already has potential, but you can see that writter, AKA Tyler himself, was clearly just a 14 year old kid, who need more improvement on his skills.

Oh, and if you noticed, this specific part have "theories" in its name! So....why we wouldn't pull up our good ol' GAAAAAAME Theories about what we can get from at least these 2 games? Also we will fill the gaps I didn't filled during the main part. Okay, let's start:

  1. Sugar/Candy in TRTF 1? — first of all....yeah, he was. For those who maybe forgot or didn't knew, Sugar was originally introduced in FNaF 3: Fan-Made, an older version of TRTF 1. According to Phone Guy, he was just a random new mascot company bought for the place somewhere before Night 3. He didn't stayed for long, as on Night 4, Sugar was probably either sold, or just thrown away. Later, when the game got major update & became TRTF 1, he was removed, due to infamous "Emil Macko VS Tyler Ahlström" drama, meaning he is no longer canon for this game(at the same time, we got hidden Sugar mini-game in the files, which is basically just retelling of his TRTF 2 story, but perfectly matches new Night 3 phone call. So it's ambiguous if Phoney was ALWAYS implied to mention Sugar there, or it was originally about BB. I just think its BB cuz if there's no Sugar in the game anymore, than whats the point of mentioning this random story from decades ago? +Balloon Boy just more fits for "small" animatronic; +he mentions that animatronic was at Freddy's, when Sugar was in FredBear's; +Sugar mini-game was probably just made cuz of Tyler's offense on Emil, before he would probably decide to actually add this in TRTF 2 story)

  2. Who the heck is Shadow Dug? — according to what Tyler stated in LORE.TXT, Dug we know & love from TRTF 2 was actually camed up with since TRTF 1, but due to Tyler just didn't knew how to make a good FNaF edits by himself, he decided to just take Shadow Bonnie, flip his ears upside down, & call it "Shadow Dug". It's unknown if he even had any explanation at that point, so he's maybe just a hallucination.

  3. What does the cut-scenes shows us? — it's hard to say, but I assume that TRTF 1 ones are just either Mike's or Phoney's nightmares(implied by what The Dreadful Truth revealed them as), & TRTF 2 ones being an aftermath of FFD closure. Anyway, i don't they even important anymore.

  4. Why Purple Guy is murdering kids? Why he's so evil? — well....unfortiunately, there's no explanation of it at THIS point of story. But from the fact that he killed Puppet Child RIGHT after the new CEO wanted to buy FFD, maybe he was just some mercenary, payed by new CEO to make FFD shut down, & make Mr. FredBear sell the company to him. Then, new CEO could either not pay Fritz his money, or he can just be a crazy weirdo, who just so enjoyed murdering children in that pizzeria, that he decided to continue doing it even after completing his job.

  5. Wasn't Phone Guy ALWAYS a Purple Guy? — yeah, I KNOW, everyone who read before this moment is probably thinks like "bro, how Fritz could attack Phoney if he IS the Phoney?". BUT I wanna point out the fact, that before TRTF 5 teaser games we had NO confirmation that at least TRTF 1 Phone Guy is actually Fritz. The only problem I have is that "Who is The Purple Guy??" mini-game, hidden in TRTF 1. In that mini-game, we see Purple Guy holding a phone in his hand, while standing in FNaF 2 office. On the background, we hear FNaF 1 Night 4 phone call, before getting jumpscared by Golden Freddy. And....tbh, i have a pretty stretched explanation for that, but.....knowing the fact that TRTF 1 was retconned at least ONCE, & Tyler originally planned its remake instead of TRTF 4, I assume that this mini-game could be added AFTER Tyler decided to remake the game & turn the Fritz and Phone Guy in one character(OR we have another variant — if you look closely to when jumpscare appears, you can see that his sprite changes to Golden Freddy for a split second. Along with the fact that this mini-game, along with Pre-Night 1 secret cutscene, taking place in FNaF 2 building...what if both this mini-game AND that cutscene were originally NOT from Phone Guy's perspective, but from Fritz' one? What if he returned to 1987 location just to find Golden Freddy suit, & THEN attack the Phoney? Maybe the fact he is holding a phone is not even means he actually "makes" that phonecall, but just somehow connected to Phone Guy's phoneline, & just wiretapped his call?). My main problem with "Purple Guy=Phone Guy" theory at that point is basically the fact kinda strange that he makes this phonecall in FNaF 2 office, & yet you still can hear FNaF 1 sounds(+why he would even makes this phonecall here?)

  6. What about Lockjaw & Shadow Lockjaw? — that moment, i don't think Lockjaw was a really important character at that moment. The only mention of him was Phone Guy's phone call in TRTF 2, according to which, he is an old animatronic prototype that came from some "older location". According to Tyler's confirmation post, Lockjaw was dismissed due to being too buggy, twitchy & glitchy, & along with his general scary appearance, children found him a bit creepy. But wanna see a twist? In the post he was talking about SHADOW Lockjaw, not regular one! So they're probably were the same character(also, Lockjaw was probably just another self-insert of Tyler, made just for fun. Yeah, Shadow one probably HAD some lore revelance, as he was hinted to be the ghost of Puppet child, & along with that kid's general appearance, which was too much similar to Lockjaw, I assume that they were linked in some way or another). Also you may noticed, that the death of Puppet child was COMPLATELY different from what we see in TRTF 3. Probably, Tyler just retconned that death, along with TRTF 1 as whole, in order to just make the story have more sense.

  7. But isn't "1/9/8/7/0/0/0" mini-game is how Puppet child died? — well, in that mini-game, besides of walking up, you can also walk to the left, & you'll see a room with white gift box(probably Puppet's music box), & lots of blood. This room is literally identical to other mini-game, where we play as Puppet child in this same one room, but with no blood. As we know from Tyler's post, this was implied to be the room where the kid died. Maybe at the moment of TRTF 1 writting, there was NO actual "suicide" implied, & the kid was just killed by Fritz right inside of this room, & hidden inside of this box, & what the child we see in THIS mini-game can actually be a ghost(+if you'll notice, Fritz don't even approach him, so maybe his goal here is 4 kids we see at the bottom of the room. In "2/4/0/1/0/0/0" you even can see Puppet boy still standing like this in this room, even after the kids are already dead. If he would be alive & killed with them, he wouldn't just stand there wuth them).

  8. What about scrapped mini-games & cut-scenes from TRTF 2 Alphas? What about Puppet child's mother? — well....from what i found out, the lore in TRTF 1 & TRTF 2 Alpha(AKA "FNaF 4: Fan-Made") was mostly based on/inspired by The Living Tombstone's "It's Been So Long..." FNaF 2 fan-song. So basically, Puppet child was originally supposed to be "Golden Freddy child", & possess ONLY Golden Freddy, while Puppet was originally possessed by his mother, who probably committed suicide after her child got missing.

  9. How the hell Puppet's music box can be in the backroom with the suits, when it was in the Party Room 2? — I....think I can't answer this question, BUT....maybe it wasn't implied to be Puppet's music box in the first place? In already mentioned "It's Been So Long..." clip, Puppet given the exact same present, containing Golden Freddy suit inside, to her son. So maybe it was just some random present box, & nothing else? Or maybe Puppet got broken at some point, & was sent there to be fixed, OR maybe it was just some older Puppet model we didn't heard about before(anyway, it's not so important, as Tyler probably understood himself how this death have no logical sense, so in TRTF 3 it was retconned completely)

And...thats it. If you have your theories pr questions, i'll be pleasured to discuss it in comments! :D(the same thing if i made some mistakes—you can correct me in the comments if ya want)

Anyway, have a nice day, keep yourself save, love you all!♥️

SAYANORA! See you in the next chapter!😎

If i'll remember something I didn't mentioned in this post, I will mention it in the comments, okay? Or you can ask me about it there, as I said :3



Next up


Also, Happy Birthday for TRTF 2


The 100% most epic action movie ever created!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

Friends Forever....

Photo negative Mickey :)

I hope this drawing will make your day better, bestie🥺

(I know you already feel better, but still)

HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY TRTF 2! A 2-Night demo is out now, nothing much

I found this model of Purple Guy as a girl on one Roblox place. It was kinda cute, so i decided to draw it as this :3

(Don't be freaky with her, okay? I don't sure if she's 18😠)