Treasure Island : Fatal End

11 months ago

enjoy the teaser game ig



Next up

We're back at it again! I started to feel way much better after the stuff from friday. Here's a WIP of the pirate caverns to not keep y'all waiting for too long.

i think we know where this is going

might cook the rest of the game after we get done with lost hope remastered idk


greys has returned and finished coding one of the final bits in the game. sorry for the long delay. we'll maybe continue shifting gears on saturday and get it done as fast as possible. while that, y'all can have a small test footage of nbd cr.


"yep, you're banned. have a good night."

game ain't dead. nearly done, but i gotta scrap some stuff and we're good to go

have this edited image of mickey staring creepily at you that @Salteru made

Aw shi we approaching 2k followers on the community. I might have to post something if we hit the goal.

we're getting prepared to do the final stuff for the game and we're good to go