The Return to Freddy's 3: Windows XP Edition (Official Upload)
1 year ago

Entire soundtrack uploaded for you TRTF lovers.



Next up

Unfortunate news regarding @JuanReviewsREBOOTED

Belated anniversary post, but happy 1 year and almost 2 months to TRTF3XP! This game wouldn't have been possible if not for @DragonLion , @XanthicZet , @dire , and @NotARealPerson chiming in.

Never forget, on April 25th...BE THERE OR BE SQUARE.

#trtf #fnaf #XPSweep #kriyameariver #charm #FartMoonKiisto

An Actual Progress Update

Hey guys! Not Juan here.

Slump Lord Gaming is being unfair and we need your support to free XP. Spread the hashtag #givejuanthemfa, thank you!

(tl;dr bully @SussLord )

Radiance HQ

Average Juanpost

#FanArtFriday here is my zelda fanart in video form