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Map for Mad City for epic gamer quest.
Nature town in ruins subject to change in the near future.
h0w Disap00inting you failed all of them CrOwstEm C0ry!
n0w the entire multiverse fell apart because of you!
Old art that I will never use, now it is YOURS to use! Most of these are gals, but I think some of them are ambiguous heh heh. Well, enjoy!
Teaser For a upcoming game after Epic Gamer Quest!
It's Goro
Some dialogue from a battle scene for my upcoming game after epic gamer quest
thinking about using these for the game hm..we wait and see
Been working on some icons for The Flipside. Some are for items and others are for spells and attacks.
working On Eustace Sprite Sheet from courage the cowardly dog show might later use it down the road