9 months ago

[epilepsy warning for the latter-half of song]

i love spider-man. greggreg made a crazy song. i recharted.

(full list of changes in article)

Song: Ultimate Spider-Man: Silk Rhythm - A Spider's Sense of Self


- Re-charted the song

- Added a very light screen shake during that one part early-on in the song to reflect the cool sound in the bg

- Redrew Miles' normal icon and drew the invisible variant (as well as implementing it and its flickering effect!)

- Re-colored BF's shoes to be red instead of blue (to balance out the existing blue on his outfit better)

- Changed a lil' frame in BF's first unique animation so the transition back to his idle looks a little smoother

- Shortened BF's sing animation length by a hair so his idle animation plays on the nearest beat more consistently (i think)

- ...Technically could be included in "Re-charted the song"... but I figured I'd mention I also corrected the extra note Miles has in literally the first section and the lack of a note in BF's duet part with Miguel

okay that's everything !! guess i'll give an update while i'm here..

i actually have a fully-completed rechart sitting on my computer !! but i wanted to do another rechart of a song from the same mod before posting the first so i could assuredly post them close to each other, which i then lost motivation for and forgot about, so i'll post that finished re-chart soon !! not too soon tho; i'd rather be consistently slow than horrendously sporadic



Next up

sketch of an oc redesign i'm trying to do (mostly trying to figure the hair out but i think i've got it right in this sketch, just have to practice drawing the hair to get it consistent!!)

ATSV song re-chart's now my most liked post at a whopping five likes !! it's not much but this is what i'm super passionate about so i'm happy it gets any attention at all!

more content on the way, i'll try to be more active, yadda yadda. see u's soon !!





(everything except the camera events are made by me!!)

Song - Stant (StuffySong)

Pixel stuff


i tried making a person-shaped person (im scared of anatomy)

Friday Night Funkin'.

not an actual art post, i just made my silly guy using aseprite for the first time!! hooray for the steam summer sale!!

i thought i'd make a quick ref sheet for my madness oc !!

the design isn't that crazy... honestly i'm about as proud of how my name looks on the drawing as i am of the drawing itself lul

CANONICAL FACT this guy eats nails, he's insane and dangerous

Naisonji !

new bwip !!!!!!! after four years the cool has finally become cool er

(before you think of it: NO, he DEFINITELY does not look at all like time-skip scout from the tf2 comics :])