15 days ago

Error Sans

Error by CrayonQueen / Lover Of Piggies

Realized too late that he actually has sandals

Not really proud of this one either, gah

so many things went wrong

Was requested by a few

I was also testing a brush with pressure on this one, it's tricky but I like the brush

[Insert more text, my brain's not working on socializing today]



Next up

nice idea originally but leads inevitably to the need of just follow-unfollow-follow loop without actual support to anyone


The other new quests are nice and give use to shop for example, but if any of the quests could be left out, this.

First one done

Undertale Yellow - Ceroba - A Mother's Love

He's animated now


edit: Just ended up using instance_create_depth instead

some various UTY fanart! i'm using my fan redesigns i made a while back. (please don't be so harsh on dalv...) love u UTY!!!

I wanted to bake cookies

So I did

They ended up kinda dry and crumbly but at least the taste is nice

I was going to practise drawing hands but ended up drawing these


Soup'd Up - DR: Chapter Rewritten

Messy sketches (finishing later? I'm trying to do homework but ideas...)

[article for a little more text]

(post cuz boredom, might remove later)