1 year ago

ESP: Mcqueen chafa

ING: Mcqueen chafa

ESP: Pa este weon use de "base" desde el torso hacia bajo Rockstar Sonic,los braso los rome prestado de elecnic y la cabeza toda bella de new sonic de recolors aca la pagina de la trilogia: https://gamejolt.com/games/FnaSReanimatedReboot/644464

ING: For this weon use of "base" from the torso down Rockstar Sonic, the arms are borrowed from elecnic and the beautiful head of new sonic from recolors here the page of the trilogy: https://gamejolt.com/games/FnaSReanimatedReboot/644464



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Si pudieramos preguntarle a Tnav 3 literalmente:

Development block: New direction

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Devlog #1: almost finishing game development

Game description updated, FnaSReanimated 3 plot added

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