fnf corrupted neo spirit of the disk mod
2 years ago


esto esta muerto?



This is dead?



hola ya se que probablemente crean que esto este muerto no solo porque

no publico leaks o algo de progreso aqui si no porque en mi canal de yt

ya hace tiempo que no subo partes o como va avanzando el mod

esto son por 3 razones

1 falta de motivacion

2 estaba ocupado en el colegio

3 estaba remasterizando el mod

si voy a remasterizarlo

quiero hacer un remaster para hacer un mod mas original con

nuevo lore





osea aun sera siendo recolor pero abra nuevo lore y eventos

ya tengo varias ideas que ya quiero que vean :)

bueno informando de progreso pues

acabo de reiniciar la build

estoy trabajando en un prologo

aun no se cuando saldra pero la primera song que es el tutorial ya esta terminada

solo me falta ponerlas algunas cosas y ya

para la segunda hallucination

aun me falta diseños sprites y eventos

asi que no saldra dentro de poco

con la week de pico pues

aun necesito tiempo aunque solo me falte

sprites de dialogo y poco mas para el day 1

el chart esta echo

y los eventos casi echos

solo me faltaria arreglar algo hacer una cinematica y poco mas


no quiero contar muchas cosas asi que solo dire 3 cosas del lore por el momento

1 el prologo empieza despues de la week 4 de mom

2 el lore del mod sera una fusion de mi imaginacion junto al lore del corrupted original y del neo de la 2.0

3 el lore del mod no solo cambia la historia si no tambien cambian el lore de los personajes de neo aun no dire que cambios hay o que personajes lo tienen

bueno eso a sido todo

si quieren ayudarme en el mod aqui mi usuario de discord Leo#1871


(0 de 3) musicos

(2 de 3) personas que hagan sprites

(2 de 3) artistas

English (use traductor google)

Hi, I know you probably think this is dead, not just because

I don't post leaks or some progress here but because on my yt channel

It's been a while since I've uploaded parts or how the mod is progressing

this is for 3 reasons

1 lack of motivation

2 was busy at school

3 was remastering the mod

yes i'm going to remaster it

I want to make a remaster to make a more original mod with

new lore





I mean it will still be recolor but open new lore and events

I already have several ideas that I want you to see :)

well reporting progress then

I just restarted the build

I'm working on a prologue

I still don't know when it will come out but the first song which is the tutorial is already finished

I just need to put some things and that's it

for the second hallucination

I still need sprite designs and events

so it won't be out soon

with peak week well

I still need time even if I only lack

dialog sprites and little else for day 1

the chart is done

and the events almost done

I would only need to fix something, make a cinematic and little else


I don't want to tell many things so I will only say 3 things about the lore for the moment

1 the prologue starts after week 4 of mom

2 the lore of the mod will be a fusion of my imagination with the lore of the original corrupted and the neo of 2.0

3 the lore of the mod not only changes the story but also changes the lore of neo's characters I still won't say what changes there are or what characters have it

well that was all

If you want to help me in the mod here my discord user Leo # 1871


(0 of 3) musicians

(2 of 3) people who make sprites

(2 of 3) artists



Next up

El dia 1 sale hoy!

Day 1 comes out today!

new breakthrough

*proceeds to revive from the grave*


preview of the new design of bf for the mod the prologue part 1 is 75% in process sprites by shadowmini

ser acurrate es mi pasion

special progress report december 28 (español) pico vs evil bf full week now!

special progress report december 28 (English use of google translator)

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^