Vagrus - The Riven Realms

6 years ago

**Event CLOSED**
The Good People of GameJolt have spoken: they prefer gamekeys over hi-res wallpapers & want to get their hands on a Vagrus demo as soon as possible. With those inputs in mind we came up with some community goals & rewards. So...

Status update - Closed!

(+ new stretchgoal with more GameKeys! + timeline extended! + added two more sources to gather points)

  • Points at ~947 [only 53 missing to reach 1k!!]

  • Post commenters competing for keys: 21 so far [if we reached 1000 points now 1 our of 2 would get a key 😲]

  • Keep it up: Follow, Like, Share, Comment => Win! (See exact instructions below)

—Original post—


To channel all community action into a singular purpose, let’s track progress in an aggregated number (let’s call it points) derived from:

  • number of followers on Vagrus - The Riven Realms on GJ (obviously :))

  • number of likes on Vagrus - The Riven Realms here on GJ

  • number of likes on this post

  • number of RTs & Likes on these tweets: Vagrus on GJ #1 and Vagrus on GJ #2

  • number of shares & Likes on this Facebook post: Vagrus on GJ!

  • number of Likes on this Instagram post: Vagrus on GJ!

How can you help?

  1. Follow & Like here on GJ.

  2. Pass the news about Vagrus to your friends.

  3. Share this GJ post and the linked Twitter & Facebook posts.

  4. Post this in your frequented Subreddits

Type of rewards

  • GameKeys - IMPORTANT: GJ follower list cannot be downloaded so You have to COMMENT on this post to put yourself forward for the raffle.

  • Wallpaper rewards will be shared as posts here on GJ and you guys can vote which ones you want. (Will be shared week by week one at a time.)


The aim is to reach & surpass the goals below before Vagrus jumps through the 1+3 featured spots here on GameJolt. (Likely on Oct 25) If we get close to a stretch-goal, we will post a new one, so don’t worry about going too fast. ;)


  • 600 points => a hi-res wallpaper for everyone on GJ | Achieved!

  • 800 points => we raffle 5 gamekeys (don’t forget to comment!) | Achieved!

  • 900 points => another hi-res wallpaper for everyone on GJ

  • 1000 points => we raffle another 5 gamekeys (don’t forget to comment!)

— hidden stretch-goals (with more gamekeys & such) ;)

Other rules

  • Maximum one gamekey per GJ account.

  • Gamekey rewards will be distributed and ready for use upon the release of the game. If you win a GameKey you will need to provide your contact details so we can reach you later on.

  • Entering the game means accepting the rules.

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Next up

The Hotfix and Our DLCs

Outpost Changes

‘Old Acquaintances’ DLC Release Date and Trailer

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Vagrus – The Riven Realms: Old Acquaintances is Out Now!

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New Build is OUT - Patch 1.170.0618W - Hotfix & Localization