1 year ago

everyone! i got an announcement! read article.

so recently. i thought of a good idea to make a new channel for yt! and i thought to myself "hmm, what if i get one of my friends in a call so that way me and them can like make videos together make funny moments together and so on and so fourth. so if you want to collaborate with me! then go find my YouTube channel Xavier Zachery! its the one with the old profile picture from one of Cole's firesides in the past where we were playing evade! and plus if you got discord then add me tomorrow or today if you want to make vids. hope to see you there! also a quick reminder. I dont know how to edit videos, thats the bad news. the good news is i can try to add subtitles. based on our color! like for example i am Purple and Epic gamer is blue or im purple or cole is green! etc. so just dm me on discord (Xavier975#7707) and the first person or two people who dm me first will get to be in the new YT channel called the gang. also for those who dont got discord, use a google meeting! anyways im getting tired now. good night my zacherys! oh, and lastly before i go to sleep, i will do a Q&A once i reach 10 subscribers. so subscribe to my youtube channel. please i need it! buh bye!



Next up

Pov: you posted Nsfw

Damn bro you really got the whole gamejolt laughing right now

My OC but he has dementia and cannot remember his friends or anything. @EpicGamer_23444 is there with him

naw bruh


me and @EpicGamer_23444 are dead because of gamejolt

i was playing with my friend in minecraft

Happy birthday sonic!1!11!1! (for real this time!1!!)