1 year ago

Eyy, just some reminder. It's okay to be yourself. It's okay to be a part of LGBTQ+ community as long as you don't make it your whole personality. The same goes to homophobes, it's okay to be homophobic as long as you don't say "EWW GAYS" out loud.



Next up

Floralguy I told you to stand up for yourself, not to be some kind of failed abomination


Sneak peek for the next artwork, of course not the best but I'll try to fit the theme. Some of the parts are rushed and I have to keep main focus on Digitalyx

Also there's blood so beware!

I just get into picrew after weeks not touching it and the first thing I see is a mediocre picrew getting first place (I tried it and it's just limited option outfits)

Day 20 of drawing random Joltober sketches until the prompt is Morbius-related


Hello my name is Walter White and today we're going to...

[Continue in comments]

Day 23 of drawing random Joltober sketches until the prompt is Morbius-related


There's a flower amongst the crowd of mushrooms.


WikiHow what happened

I won't use the usual captions for the last two days of Joltober. Period.


Anyways I'll call regular anime enthusiasts otakus, while those who are extremely obsessed with it as weebs