3 months ago

Fallen Update log 6

I decided to use a different game engine. I have to redo everything but it’s the right decision. Gamemaker had a few issues that I was unable to work around. I have made the decision to use unity.

Edit: it will also be 3D instead of 2D

Edit 2: I have made the decision that it won’t be fully 3D some aspects will be 2D. Gameplay being the main thing in 2D. Cutscenes will be fully 3D



Next up

Guess what I am doing one again! Day 5!!

Day 4 of playing dsaf music until I get a dsaf nickname!

Got bored. Did this.

#GJAsks I don’t need to explain myself

Well, in that case

At vidcon and it has been a blast. About to meet CG5 and I am HYPED!!!

So this happened.

#PrideJolt these goobers (not my art)

the placeholder title screen lmao