Flumpty’s 3. Easily. Flumpty’s is the only fan game series I had a full phase towards, and the game mechanics and visuals are breathtaking.

7 months ago
Next up
Don’t go to the Five Nights at Freddy’s Steam page on July 23rd, 2027. Some real bad shit is gonna happen!
Happy 10 Years, TRTF.
#FNAFFave (old art from 2023-ish)
FNaF fan games in a nutshell.
Pretty much the fanverse.
maybe you fucking freaks want the golden child possessed bear next, I dunno
(POSSIBLE) FNaF merch news!
“Oh mY GOd! THiS gAmE tHat aDds aNIMaTiON iS WoRSe THaN a GaME mADe bY aN actuaL NecroPhILIaC! LeTs Go HARrAs tHE creAtoR aND cAlL tHE gAMe An INdusTrY PlAnt! You all are a bunch of whining babies, no wonder I forgot about this fanbase.
Everybody gangsta til’ the five year olds post a tired meme onto the realm