Just another small patch hopefully ironing out a few things to improve the experience (especially for a certain someone, you know who you are).
If you already played through the game I wouldn't bother doing another playthrough for this small update.
Patch Notes:
Added more lockers around the map. (office camping strat is back???)
Audio will always be heard where the player actually is. (aka camera's will no longer override the audio causing you to hear nothing nearby the actual player character)
Buffed the player speed a tiny bit.
Decreased BB's flashlight disable time from 30 seconds to 20.
Disabled collision for all polls.
Fixed 5 AM hint not showing up sometimes.
Fixed a bug where at 5 AM the screen would fade in and out for a second if the objectives were completed.
Jumpscare collision sphere has been adjusted for most animatronics.
Music box will now drain slower.
Music Box camera UI is no longer green.
Night 4 Shadow Freddy spawns lowered.
Office fan will no longer rotate slowly while disabled.
Removed most depth of field effects.
Removed Shadow Bonnie. (he was useless and unfair)
Shadow Freddy should now (hopefully) be less aggressive.
Shadow Freddy will no longer move while being seen.
Object interaction sounds pitch has been fixed.
Tweaked lighting a tiny bit to hopefully make things a little better.
Winding the music box is now faster and not dependent on the night.
And that should be all for now, the focus is still on Fazbear Nights 1 right now but I needed to get this patch done, so yeah.
Have fun!