Epic Prose Special Edition
7 years ago

Feature Creep?

I haven’t decided if dungeons are feature creep or not, part of me thinks it would be really cool another part thinks it might be repetative, checking each door for traps then disarming all the traps.. I don’t know, so I just put it last on the list and I’ll decide when I get there.



Next up

New map!

Having a little fun during development of #VampireDystopia for #horrorjam2020

Hey it's time to vote! Vote for Vampire Dystopia for horrorjam2020!!!

I just uploaded a new version of Space Survival. It's got a great retro arcade space shooter feel but with a modern update for graphics!

I redid the title page and adjusted Ai behaviours! #HorrorJam2020 #Vampire #2d #shooter #survival #horror

So a great artist and friend pointed out all the ways my title page sucks and helped to redesign it. I'm quite happy with the results :) #horrorjam2020 #horror #2dshooter #survival #vampires #madewithunity

Hey it's time to vote! Vote for Vampire Dystopia for horrorjam2020!!!

here's a #screenshotsaturday of my latest game for #horrorjam2020 Vampire Dystopia!

Working on a new map of Epica