3 days ago

felt πΉπ‘…πΈπ’œπ’¦π’΄, might delete later.

edit from literally the day after: no, the post is not getting taken down



Next up

why rizz when you can learn sine and cosine and never use it and find a better solution to your already somewhat solved problem that you've spent an entire day trying to fix just to remember that you are a clickteam dev with low mathematical skills

I am loosing it over this stupid they/them bunny

Philbow, everybody

Main menu is mostly done

Rendy's model has been fully finalized

Jonathan's first words - Cinema4D R20, September 1st 2020.

why goon when you can learn basic positive and negative multiplication just to remember that you already know how to use it and start using it for you code and then you realize that it helps quite a lot and then you realize that your old code sucks

he never wanted to listen to those tunes.