1 year ago

Final announcement-stepping down

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Greetings everyone! It is within the hardest of times for this to happen. To be entirely honest, I don't want to do this, but I got no choice.

I am forced to COMPLETELY step down from social media, by none other than my asshole father. This means there will be no more posts here, no more uploads on my YT channel, and no more projects being made. Everything I knew is cut short.

This hits me hard, as projects and everything else have been half my life so far. I lost the will to restart, and my respect towards adults. I completely lost it now.

This is an era that lasted for three years and ends so abruptly. I may never return, may not even live to see the next day after a while.

So, I bid farewell to all the nice people I knew and everything I have ever accomplished. My future is now unsure, I don't even know what to do anymore.

I will be fully deleting my alt Discord account and my main server. The LW modpack series is officially cancelled, after this day. Nothing left to go for, I guess.

My lores are seeing a final halt at this point where they are, any further story progress is cancelled.

I am leaving the Realm-Verse team, and revoking of my collaborator role with this day.

We fell so far from what was once right up to reach. Now, it's impossible to go back. This point truly is of no return, and I believe there is nothing left for me to even try to achieve. A life ruined right after nearly 17 years. I'm not sure I can ever do anything anymore.




Next up

Work-in-progress ref sheet for the Forestborn

Really interesting character in his own way.

Made more progress with the fifth scene.

He was not seen without the Malefactor Whitewood Mask before.

Progress with the sketch

Scene 4 is how the Forestborn died prior to the comic's start, the character behind the killing blow won't be revealed and isn't canon to Undying at all other than the death. It's none of the characters in my lores, too.


The comic's first page is being worked on, rough sketch state

There isn't much to it, just two traditional art scenes left unfinished

Still cooking...

The two different types of shrimp

Screenshot taken and cropped from a chat with a fellow member of my school's choir in Messenger

Scene 6- art based on the Malefactor class introduction, "Terrible things are done at the heart of despair. She is gone, but you remain."

How I imagined Bearfirth from Story Excerpt-The Morning. The original Malefactor.

And the full page progress. Not much improved on scene 4, will make it sometime later.

I recently drew these two

Chad Malefactor and silly Bronze Locust

Working on a lil something (Colonial Marine cosplay from Aliens, making my own OC's armor)

Armor decals based on the ones in Aliens Fireteam Elite