news in Realm-Verse Official Community

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Final announcement-stepping down
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As of now, my main Discord account has been deactivated. Seek out my alt 'lazerstorm28' if wanting to talk.
So, because @CylexicDragonheart forgor about this Community, I'll be making the announcement here
We are looking for animators and voice actors
Feel free to DM me either here or on Discord, my user is ThatAncient2#9765
The team will consider it further.

Improvements have been made
I added a silly looking Rupter on top of that house, and it looks silly (just as expected)
There is no title YET, because my ass still working on stuff
...yeah, that's all
Ancient out

I am working
Trust me
Alternate cover for Daybreak: Assimilation, the thirdst (second remake)