Final Hours Collection

2 years ago

Final Hours: Hours Of Frights book 1 Cover Concept!

Made by: @BradTV (Me) and @SpringlockedStudios_Official

Series Inspired by Fazbear Frights!

Stories Included:

The Return... 1

Lost Memories... 67

The Broken Strings... 140

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Final Hours: Hours Of Frights book 3 Cover Concept

Made By: @BradTV (Me) and @SpringlockedStudios_Official

Series Inspired by Fazbear Frights!

Final Hours: Hours Of Frights book 5 Cover Concept

Made by: @BradTV (Me) and @SpringlockedStudios_Official

Series Inspired by Fazbear Frights!

Final Hours Art #2

Art by: @BradTV (Me)


#fnaf #fangame

Hours Of Frights 1 sneak peek

*Pages may change when the book is FULLY RELEASED!*

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

Join The Discord For Updates

Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Final Hours Art #3

Made by: @BradTV (Me) and help by: @SpringlockedStudios_Official

A little meme I made for Final Hours cause I was VERY BORED!


Hours Of Frights Art #2: The Broken, Lost 'N Found, and In The Shadows