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Chai in different brushes, just was testing something
Weird character hidden internal changes? Yes please
Subtle foreshadowing for something that won’t come up until like months later
You’ll understand very soon
Bad news guys I accidentally deleted everything by accidentally clicking the block- oh wait nvm
But yeah I managed to create it!
There's actually a reason why I did it this way than doing the standard way of doin it
bless the file extention
guys! what should i add here
i'm really struggling to add something else here
! Breaking News !
Benjiro has learned how to do a spindash
It's because of the normal speed of the player, but still
levels are gonna have to be long normally, but that's a good thing where the boosting comes in, so you can at least be able to make it to the end a lot faster than without it.
Blue Spheres
Evolution of Benjiro's Vector since I started working on it honestly I'm super content with his current look and I don't think I'm even gonna change it any further
Guess who made it before Beef Boss, and what I had for dinner back on the island lol
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