Unpaid Overtime
5 months ago

Finally Fixed that god awfull menu theme. Take a listen to it at the top of the page because its pretty good although its still not really done

also I forgot to post the last update of the game on the game page but whatever lol



Next up

Repost of all of the cutscene images so far because i forgot to put the previous one to the game page. BTW I just finished the 3rd arcade minigame, anyone got any ideas for the fourth?

Probably the final version of the main menu so far, unless I keep putting off actually coding the game but it will most likely take so fucking long to do so

Spent so long getting the camera animations and states working, probably like 30 minutes of work. If I showed the code youd probably laugh at how simple it looks but trust me it isnt simple at all to figure out. Still working on office movment too

Gameplay Progress Kinda (still figuring out music fade lol)

got fullscreen working I just need to fix a lot of stuff moving forward like increasing sprite sizes for the office & much more

hmmm ai actually cooked for once (gunna change name)

oh shit its progres

im a very big perfectionist, which really doesnt help with my adhd sometimes i need to sit back and go: "Maybe it doesnt matter if my games look bad" anyways heres a pre room im thinking up

