Sonic: The 2011 Incident (Creepypasta)

8 days ago

Finished adding the flowers for the stage. Now I must work on the cutscenes, then work on scrap brain (knuckles stage), and once that's done, I can add the finishing touches. And reveal the release date of the demo.



Next up

Take a wild guess what this is?

I know you are familiar with this.

Who here remembers this in Sonic Ova? I do!


Sonic Frontiers.. Chef’s Kiss. 10/10

Scary hedgehog, I think

"Innocence Doesn't Get You FAR!"

(2011 Incident Concept Gameplay 1)


you wouldn't want this kind of fuck to come to you at night....

Wanted to show you a little teaser, i think the demo is almost complete. Just need to finish the first 2 stages and end of demo screen.

Vs exe idle sprite remake because its a bit dated… Heres the parts incase you want to animate the idle!!!

I was thinking up some ideas for this game. There might a little fnaf in these concepts