//Psycho;Logical// (Remake)
22 days ago

Finished description, soon we will give more information and BTS about the project

We will also do a mini dynamic with all of you soon.

Sincerely Psycho Studios & Psycho;Logical Team



Next up

When we reach 50 followers I will do a Q&A

Added an old computer , plans for windows and a seat lol.

Allison is not a Office for the nights , but is important for the game , because there will be some important items and interactionable events.

We are almost done :3

Yeah , we are cooking a lot for you all

The Ensoskeleton model only needs your shoulders and elbows to be ready and be textured and finally rendered, here you have a WIP

Model by Teddinson

the texturing is test and was made by CloudCake

in case you see the ''Blood & Gore'' thing is only due to 3 scenes of the game, although there are some more but not with that degree of brutality of those 3 scenes, although the models are differentiable from real life.

Btw Devlog #2 if i remember well.

Say goodBye to Old Alison Office, soon say welcome for the new Alison Office version.

In addition, I took that first version as a type of interior design apprenticeship and in just that office I have learned many more things and modeling

Learning to model (ends badly)

OMG. Willfaz like The game page I'm freaking out

Btw More game information coming soon

The Alison Office still on work by me (lol). Yesterday i learned stuff from enviroment design , so probably this office can be remaded later because i dont like it actually.

But i will try to finish it , then i will try to add more details to it

I'm doing one of the menu screens that is actually one of the offices

I will show more progress on the Discord server so join, by the way here I will only show the office once I have it finished