Oh, and talking about original characters, i was thinking, if i added some original characters in the normal nights? I think it would be a pretty great addition! And it would make the game a bit more original, and another reason for Mac- *ahm*... Mr. Donald's! to not copyright me to dead! Tell me what ya'll think?
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Transmitter Spotted.
Almost all of the map/restaurant is finished!
Just missing 1 or 2 rooms and some final touches and it will be complete!
News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?
You can’t tell me this isn’t AI, like no way
After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!
The Playground (Lights on/off)
+ Small Devlog (Read Below)
Photo negative Mickey :)
Trailer Soon (;
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