Here is the first devlog of the TDNaAAT CH 2 major update, let's get started:
Remember I said that the update will not be programmed from scratch, well I thought better of it and now the update is being programmed from scratch, but I have also used several codes from V1 but I have recoded them, for now this is what is being programmed

Also this update will have some original sounds that I made in LMMS
The menu is 100% finished

and the gameplay of the game is also finished, although some details still need to be finished, but the AI of all the characters has been finished and for now everything is working correctly
Here are some screenshots:
Here's a look at the new office

Here is a look at the new camera system, the map has been resized, the buttons have been changed and numbers have been added to the cameras
I think it was about time to add numbers to the cameras.

Here is a wip of how the new monitor looks like.

And a look at the menu of the custom night, (not yet finished)
As I said there will be 2 exclusive characters for the custom night.

And now about the redesign of Angel Fazhuman, unfortunately I couldn't make a good redesign so it will have the same design of V1 but I decided to improve the textures, so that at least it looks better.

That's all, the update has progressed very well, but still missing many things to finish, The original soundtracks, The Secret Minigames, The autosave (INI), Etc.
I will continue to show more progress on this update
have a nice day.
-Aran Bucobo