3 years ago

first of all i want to apologize for posting something several times and delete it, but i hope you understand that lately my time has been short that i had lost hope of everything but soon i will have time for both my creations https://gamejolt.com/games/realpage/727672

antes de tudo quero pedir desculpas por postar algo várias vezes e deletar, mas espero que entendam que ultimamente meu tempo tem sido curto que perdi a esperança de tudo mas em breve terei tempo para ambas as minhas criações https://gamejolt.com/games/realpage/727672



Next up

drawings that I liked the most so far

Pixel stuff

Friday Night Funkin'.

sei la pq mas testei no sans undertale ai i don't know why but i'm testing on sans undertale

Naisonji !

finally the new redesign