Welcome to this humble game page. There is nothing to see, at least for now, so I thought it would be good to present myself.
I'm Incognito, lead composer, lead artist... Lead of everything considering I'm the only one working on this lol.
So, what is Undertale Echoes? What is it about?
I've made this story with my friends a while ago, not fully finished as we've been playing around with things here and there. I never thought about the idea until I learned how to compose and make pixel art.
Literally, the first thing that came to my head was "I gotta try doing Undertale stuff!!!!!" and here I am.
I've been working with small details of this project since a year but I've decided to publish the progress at this point.
All the information about the lore, which are the basics, but-- It's enough to understand how the plot goes-- can be seen reading the guide book.
Any questions (if someone even cares to ask) is also written on the guide book. If not, and you have any other question you can send me a message through GameJolt!
Working alone?
There's someone that gives me a little bit of help with concept art so I can use that for sprites, which has also gave me ideas for the project and had fun talking about. Yet, that's all he does and haves no knowledge for anything else.
If we dismiss that fact, I practically do everything by myself.
Do I make the OST? Yes.
Do I make the sprites? Yes.
Do I code? Y...No. But I'm learning how to I swear--
Assembling a team
At some point I wish to have a group to make this happen. Seeing bangers like UTY, TS!Underswap makes me wanna do the same. Something that, even if it takes It's time, it looks polished, made with care, to do something original for the community!
Still, that will take some time. I'm not gonna do one of those help wanted posts just yet, I just created this page! I gotta decorate the description and many other things before getting to that.
Besides, I gotta display some good content so people gets interested, right? ;)
However, if you wish to help out with something or you can't resist the wait and need to see some of the progress that's been made-- send me a message through Gamejolt, I'll be here to answer.
I'll show little pieces at some point once this page is properly structured. You can still hear the OST, which will be updated everytime a new OST is finished.
If you want sprites, then BOOM.

A save point... But gray... And with shadows.
And that would be all, unless I'm missing something... Nah-- Probably not.