2 years ago

First project in Unity after switching from Unreal Engine... Made for my college class.



Next up

My first mobile game! Would love to hear what you think!

Google Play store link:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Company.Projec…

We've added animation for a little side quest.

It’s time to kick off the Live Wallpaper Jam 🎉 but first... we need the theme!

So the theme is... 'UNLEASH'

You’ve got until May 2nd 👏 Good luck!!

🔗 https://store.gx.me/events/live-wallpaper/

Added display numbers to show damage dealt/taken in Chaosector, these values also change appearance depending on how large the values are!

Just as Pecaminosa's musicians #improvise this rendition of #LittleSunflower 🌻, so do we improvise with this post you're reading. 😂

What's coming out of your own improvs? 🤔

#Pecaminosa | #IndieDev | #OST | #Jazz

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

Today I was setting up the location of the first boss. His name is "Father" and he is the first of the Patagonians. His task is to guard the road to the House.🛡🗡 Bookmark pre-launch page🔖🔖🔖


I have added rewards for quests so that villagers can give you something in return for your hard work helping them. 🥳

I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?

Shadow The Hedgehog X pixel art

Family band complete!