The Chaos Playhouse
1 year ago

First Victor of Chaotic 20 shoutout & The Future of The Chaos Playhouse


This madlad, this goated person, this resilient warrior has been the very first person (who recorded, at least) who BEATED The Chaos Playhouse's Chaotic 20! And I kid you not! He reached 4 AM in Chaotic 21! And i'm absolutely demanding you all to give him the biggest of the support, he deserves it a ton! He might just be the first to beat Chaotic 21 in the history of humanity!


Now, talking about the game itself, i believe, somewhere in the past, i've promised a voice acting update in this game, which would've have all the jumpscaring threats to talk during the game over screen.
In short news, as much as it is disheartening for me, i decided to cancel all of it. Reasoning? I do not feel like it's the appropriated time to speak much about it, but in resume, it is due to a "lost of motivation regarding my recent disappointment in the ONaF community". I guess we could put it up like that.
This won't be the post that i'll be venting about the aforementioned occurring, neither will I expose every single thoughts in my mind, but on a future post, i shall at least explain a little bit of what made me feel in such way.
What is happening with The Chaos Playhouse?

Needless to say, I'm putting The Chaos Playhouse behind, and moving on, the support i've received from this game has been immense, and i appreciate that very much!
Very much so that i'm actually going to release a small extra patch in the coming weeks, where i plan to make a full clean up of Robert's spaghetti coding, and a overhaul of Playhouse Guardian's 2nd and 3rd minigame to hopefully prevent crashing & making the gameplay a bit more fair.

Something that i've been wanting to talk about now, might sound ridiculous, but i've seem quite a bit of people complaining about the game over screen not being the typical stereotype gore-ish screen portrayed in all the ONaF games/fangames, and the reasoning is simply because the artists thought it'd take too much time to draw every single killing threat on its own unique game over screen. Yes! And i believe we shall respect their decisions, they're the ones that make the magic happen, right? To feed your curiosity down, here's a W.I.P of what would've been.


Indeed very Animator's Hell like, no wonder why Gestalt Games is credited as inspiration in the menu!
On a last note, it's very likely that the only ONaF projects you all will see coming from me from now on will be:

- @Pake_Official 's Project Egg-Coin (
- One Night at Mr. Snickers Remastered (This one is still in doubt, time will tell)
- One Night at Mr. Snickers 2
So, keep on touch with them! They will be epik.



Next up

The chaos must grow further chaotic.

Since things are going a bit slow, decided to practice programing a bit, so for the memes, here's some small Animator's Hell stuff! (Jumpscare at the end)

Game name reveal + few updates to the page description

Chaos expands... Diamonda by Ghost_Saviour95 Robert by @OxanityTheOffical Munchy Shroomie by @Captain_Galaxy ? by @Pake_Official

Sorry for no updates! A characters re-design teaser is on the works. For now, here's the new design for Neptonia - the Waterwoman!

Heh, yeah, "development has finally started", and now we have another 4 whole months without news nor teasers

Pinned video post! Spare yourself 3 minutes to know a bit more about me! ----------/-----/---------- Brando & George art by @Pake_Official

The Chaos (Preview)

Oh no, Snickers has reached the 3D dimention

Examine the red void, you might find something.