Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoyed the premiere of the first episode of my new series, FNAF WHAT IF...?
This is something that I've wanted to fully explore and do for a while now. But now I really wanna share and show this off to everyone! And yes before you ask, The Salvaged is a part of this series!
So you're probably wondering, what is going to go on in What if...? Well I already have a lot of games planned out for how this is gonna go. For example, What if Fazbear Frights never burned down? Simply taking a bit of the fnaf story and turning it on its head!
This idea of course is heavily inspired by the Marvel What ifs, but I've always thought that a fnaf what if series would be really cool, and it would bring a whole bunch new characters and ideas!
But also for a lot of these what ifs, I need to make some educated guesses when it comes to some parts of the lore so the story I make for the game can make sense.
Anyway, if you have any questions on it, please let me know! I hope this can become something really big!
Thank you all, and I'll see all you Collectors later!
Have some gameplay screenshots!!