I know you guys saw that FNaM Alternate is cancelled but why? let me tell you, I don't want trouble with the person I no longer hate and get destroyed by their simpers. the reason why I cancelled the game is because of my attitude over the person I no longer hate and also denounced by a friend of it. If I'd kept my mouth shut, this never would have happened, but it did.
Anyways you are not here for that.
Title Screen consept
The title screen was based on NSMB title screen on DS back on 2006 by Nintendo. I used the title screen of NSMB to make the game different than a game based on that

(just an exemple)
Crash Bandicoot
I know it's weird but we have a Gumball as Bonnie, Penny as Chica and Sonic as Foxy. So to make the game different, I asked the dev to had a character to make things different than the original and I suggested Crash, at this moment the dev found it interesting. So yeah a new crew in FazPlumbers entertainment.
That's all folks.