1 month ago

Five Nights at Sonic's 3 Reimagined - SECRET SEGA'S FUNHOUSE CHARACTER REVEALED!!!

Now, if you know anything about the series and you're asked who burnt down the new Sega Inc., you'd probably be quick to guess that it was Dark. Here's where you're wrong though.. Dark never burnt down Sega Inc. If he was really the one who did it, why would Dark be in the normal FNAS2R gameplay alongside everyone else, even those he'd kill eventually? Besides, Dark wasn't meant to be in FNAS2R but he was added in a later update.

And since the demo of FNAS3R has an INI file, I was able to access Nights 4-7 and that's when I learnt that Dark was DEAD along with almost everyone else. If Dark had really burnt the place down, he would've escaped, but nope, here he's dead.

But that aside.. who did it then? Well, analyzing the dark one's sprites, it doesn't match Super Sonic, but rather it exactly matches that of Shadow.


Yes, it's Shadow who burnt down the New Sega Inc. There's even more evidence of that when looking into the files of FNAS3R, but out of respect for Sanic, I won't share those, but the game pretty much confirms Shadow's presence.

Since FNAS2R and FNAS3R are building up Sega's Funhouse and Shadow as well, these two could be linked so Shadow's from Sega's Funhouse, therefore making him the Golden Sonic/Fredbear of the series. It just makes far too much sense since in the official Sonic canon, Shadow came into existence before Sonic did. If he's anything like Golden Sonic, then there could be an explanation for why he burnt down Sega Inc. in the first place. It could either be he was going insane from being abandoned for decades, or it even had something to do with Maria and there probably was a bite, but that point's just mere speculation.

And this, my friends, is what 8 years of waiting for a third game does to a person. The absolute starvation has reached the point of literally discovering a long hidden secret that was right under our noses for all this time. Thank you for actually taking your time to read this.



Next up

Mario & Sonic 2005 - ROM found

New talking sprites for SONIC.NES V2


So I decided to remake my first ever public, digital art of Nightmaric, and I'm really happy with the result! Let me know what you guys think though

Sosina Starlight!

This here is my planned indie game I'll start in the future, synopsis below:

It's official, we're late...

Clone Channel art for June 2024, featuring Shadow Devil!

Hey, sorry for keeping you guys in the dark about Taluigi's Castle! (Article)

Here's the long awaited SONIC.NES Sprite Sheet:


Messy drawing.

The Queen is hiding.