Wallie's Burgerland

3 years ago

Fizzy Pops!!
(commercial that will be in the game)



Next up

bingus making cameos on others videos!?

Hi awesome people, could you guys do a favor for me? Draw something on this paper, I will be so grateful if you did and it will even appear ingame!

good night people

POPGOES Evergreen - Blake the Badger wallpaper (4K)

I just 100%'d TEALERLAND 2 years after its launch, its good game but going to 100% the game is some kind of torture method that the government didn't want you to know about


Hey guys! Long time no see! Im here just to say that im updating the gamepage to have new thumbnail, new header, stylized description + a teaser, be patient! Im trying my best! P.S: yes im using a 4K screen ;)

oh boy yes Wallie's Burgerland is on the Hot section

oh also I completed the description check it out

Number 7's name is!.. Oh well, you're not ready to know it yet, but now you can simply refer to her as "A.R."

Alright guys, here is something new, little sneak peek of your fast food that you will have when starting the game! Stay tuned for more news!