Adventure Aya: Hey Flame, i always Wonder, Why your not smiling all the time?
Flame: umm... it's nothing-
Adventure Aya: it dosen't seems that your alright, try to smile.
Flame: but-
Adventure Aya: Please... just this once...
Flame: . . . ugh... fine...
Adventure Aya: alright, now smile!
Flame: *Trys to smile*
Adventure Aya: your almost the-
Flame: *Flame feels Pain and bam, the Jaw Broke* OWW!! ow.. Oww... Oww.. it's hurting like Hell... oww *bleeds a little*
Adventure Aya: What Happen?!
Flame: ya know... i have a Unique Problem with my Jaw...
Adventure Aya: and what's that?
Flame: That means that no matter how a try to Laugh and Smile and Be happy, My Jaw starts to hurt like hell... that's why i don't Smile alot...
Adventure Aya: oh... well Atleast your my friend *hugs*
Flame: Heh, thanks you always count on me- *Jam Breaks Again* Aww Shit!! I Smiled again.
Adventure Aya: let's just help you, okay?
Flame: Ok...
Adventure Yellowboi: *slams Door* hey dudes, want some Taco Bell?!
Flame: Not now Yellow... not now...