2 months ago

Fnaf World is my favorite fnaf game that I ever played!

man... i wish if more people play this game more then i am. :(



Next up

hello everyone, my favorite Five Nights At Freddy's game in the franchise has to go to...... FNAF WORLD (the most underrated FNAF game in the whole franchise!) THIS GAME IS A LOT OF FUN and the best part is this game is FREE to play!

I just downloaded the ScottGames archive on Gamejolt and I LOVED it!🥹🤩 awesome job @SilverChrome , @BigAl0104 for making these games playable again, and thanks @greenfang95 for posting on Gamejolt so everyone can download & play! https://gamejolt.com/games/scottarchive/765457

AWESOME news: I GOT ALL 10 EACH 5 OF STICKERS! now they are all mine!🤩😎oh yeah!

The Rat Cave is Cancelled


Everyone, friends, and Scott Cawthon fans I'm happy to announce that Scott Cawthon's first movie "Birdvillage: The Movie" (which was a lost media) has FINALLY BEEN FOUND!🤩(alongside other shorts from Birdvillage) LINK to watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK_xNkc2l5w


(For both PC and Android devices.)

HELL YEAH! I just got another trophy from Gamejolt!

only this time is for being on Gamejolt every SINGLE DAY ON APRIL!

now I'm RICH! 🤩

and now the best part: I give more two-charged stickers to (my favorite user developer on Gamejolt!) @legofnafboy2000 😉

hey friends, may you send another gift of April Fools sticker pack for me, please? I'm almost there to get all of the stickers i only need 2 of the stickers who have glasses, a nose, and a mustache, please?

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

OH MY GOD! I'm rich and I got my huge first trophy from Gamejolt!🤩