Five Nights at Wario's: Time Shift

1 year ago

FNaW Time Shift Version 2.0 Devlog #4

Welcome one and all to the 4th devlog of FNaW Time Shift. I'm mainly just posting this because many big progressions have happened with 2018 mode. So lets get on through it huh?

Tasks. You Sussy Impos-

All 8 tasks for the rooms are done, meaning we can no longer bring up any form of Among Us joke.

Which is a good thing. Most of the tasks are fairly simple, like dragging a box to a crate, lighting paper on fire or just holding your mouse over a power checking button. Straight forward.


As you saw from the last post, Virus Wario has been programmed into the game! And I mean fully, none of that only partially done stuff. Virus Wario will now hunt you down in the game and when you enter the same room as him, he will kill you. One of the key elements of the mode has been coded in, meaning the rest of the mechanics should go by like a blimming breeze.

Any changes to 1988 mode?

No major changes have happened to 1988 mode. I'll most likely be asking for some beta testers once 2018 mode is fully completed, All-Out Mode, Extras etc.

Small devlog this week, but I didn't want to reveal too much. For now though, I'm gonna go and code in some more AI. Chao!



Next up

I am a man of my word, heres 1/2 of what I promised (for now, I'll do Gulak Later. (He's the guy whose laughing with Fruppet in the corner)

Now that I've figured out the mechanics of all the VIRUSES (not coded in yet, I'm not that quick) It's about time I give some renders for each Virus!

How about one last teaser for the game since it is so close to completion?

FNaW Time Shift Version 2.0 Devlog #6

Chapter 2 Remastered…

ooga booga i am steve the ghost. fruppet has told me that you should get this game to 100 followers.

if you do fruppet will make an actual reference for fruppet and gulak. steve out

FNaW Time Shift Version 2.0 Devlog #5

Hey look the game is officially 95% done how cool is that (i've been working on this game day and night recently please help me)

Thank you Red bass for this cool Mindtaker Wario render btw.

I've been fairly busy :)

IRL and in coding! 3 of the 6 planned AI for Virus Mode are fully coded in with Virus Bowser (Kinda obvious lets be honest here.) being partially done!

What are yall's opinion on how the game looks so far?