sex: female
age: 19
She was at picos school during the events of the game and watched her best friend get shot in front of her she moved schools afterwards And was later diagnosed with ptsd and is schizophrenic causing her to carry weapons out of fear of being attacked (kinda like pico) she sometimes she gets flashbacks about the shooting
she uses drugs and marijuana to escape and forgot about life sometimes it often causes her to do dumb shit
she is hormonal (not just sexually but it means that she often acts on impulses and intrusive thoughts she might have like breaking a window)
she weapon of choice is a baseball bat with nails in it she also likes to use kunai and ninja stars
shes filipino yayyy
shes an adrenaline junkie especially in situations that involve violence and fights
she has a fear of funko pops and porcelain dolls
she often goes to clubs and raves with friends and often ends up walking up not remembering what happened
she has a very low tolerance for alcohol
her orientation is m-spec
If she went to college she would of majored in medicine and even got a bachelor degree
she has a guilty pleasure of buying an entire stock of Dr Pepper and drinking each can back to back in front of the cashier
Her favourite game is the crash bandicoot series
her favourite newgrounds series is monkey wrench
her parents nearly named her Edna
She has a messy living space
she has a pug named ak-47 and helps her manage her anxiety
she’s broken a claw machine before because she got mad
shes also gotten stuck in a claw machine ALOT
shes a Miku fan (she listens to deco*27 and maretu)
she knows of gfs family she’s a fan of mommy mearest and is friends with gf but doesn’t know that mm is her mother