@itz_just_bruana_here one of the few people who cared about ne
@Fd_Funniguy better artist than me
@FwD better artist than me x2
@takwa764 better artist than me x3
@Xx0Hollow0xX better artist than me x4 plus silly
@Unfinished better than artist than me x5
@R44M3N Idk
@Imacrazykid4noreason better artist than me x6
@KetchupWater better aritst than me x7
@shyguy27 better aritst than me x8 plus expunged
@BOXZEE better artist than me x9
@DimonDemon better artist than me x10
@ThePinkGlitch better artist than me x11
@beth_ng better artist than me x12 plus sigma
@CatchallRain723 better artist than me x13
@AnimatedJosey8 better artist than me x14
@kohlkohl better artist than me x15
@katakombe idk