FFC Universes
1 month ago

for some IDK random reason FFC Universe 7.0.1 Got...

deleted from my computer wich means all of what i have made on version 7.0.1.... is gone..... and i think i will the other devs continue on it a little bit so i can get over the fact all of the items store the Multiplayer ucn and story and the "S E C R E T" got deleted :(. . . . . . .



Next up

i am here to anounce that FFC Universe is no being worked on by ME so its clear that... dog will be dipressed haha.. ha... also i will not be featured anymore in event of FFCU, so GoodBye and see you... in a better place (read the article)

Dailly LEAK : someone broke da pipe

Follow This Guy, he's preparing something big @Cocoboiz

Jajajaj amo optimizar las cosas


The Party! (Long Post/Update)

CLOVER SOUP IS OUT ! go check it out ! its totaly worth it !

UPDATE 9.1.0 of MSDLC+ is now available, read article for quik guide on how to enable the IMAGE and SOUND loader

Talking About The Sprite Version Of MSDLC, i think the creators of the "ZIP" And "File" extensions noticed me