1 year ago

For those who are confused by my (admittedly non-standard) version numbering scheme, here are the details contained in the article below.

A general summary: MAJOR.MINOR.BUILD
The major version number is incremented whenever there is a major or incompatible change (duh). A major version of 0 means that the game is not completed. The one exception to the rule is when transitioning from the development phase to completion (0.x.y -> 1.x.y).
The minor version is incremented whenever new feature(s)/content is introduced and the changes are backwards-compatible.
The build number is incremented every time I apply a save. This number is never reset (0.6.65 -> 0.7.66; 0.5.30 -> 1.0.31).

My main reason to use this scheme is for looks. Whenever I save a project, I never click "Save", I always click "Save As", so I don't have to go back as far if I mess something up. Doing this, you need something to differentiate between versions anyway, so having the build number as part of the version number makes it look nicer.



Next up

These aren't just your regular fumos...

The demo is now here!

I can no longer upload this game to the Scratch website...

Five Nights with Fumos has surpassed Scratch Adventure: Before the Darkness as my most followed game on this platform. I honestly did not expect this.

DEFEAT - Album Art Recreated & Uploaded to SoundCloud.

Link in the article...

Hello little baka

new tarkov style game in progress

made in TW using my engine flashback 2


Don't let her wake up...

Release day moment

Art of Sonic & Knuckles I was gonna share a while ago but forgot to lol.

I have reached the triple digits (for the build number)...