Camping With Springtrap

3 months ago


So after a couple of months, the big issue that prevented me from opening the project has been fixed. Which is one problem solved.

There was still another major problem: the game being waay too big. Because of this, the gameplay is gonna get redesigned and it will no longer be big semi open world story maps, but rather slightly smaller wave based maps.

Basically, you start in wave 1 and the more enemies you kill, the higher the wave and difficulty.

This was originally going to be in the game anyway as like a small side-mode, but now that will be the main game. (possibly with multiplayer 1-4 players or more)

Now, a lot of the gameplay mechanics still need to be fleshed out a lot, but I'll give updates.

Speaking bout updates, next one uhh... might be a small wave based preview but don't expect it anytime soon.

There's also a new member in the team: nashywashymachinery. He did the music for the credits in the 2024 halloween update.



Next up

Our game has been under developement for more than a year and a half??

The enemy AI is being worked on, springtrap is fucked.

The endo AI is almost done, which is also the base AI of Freddy so making freddy wont take long. We're also replacing freddy's shotgun with a one-handed one because why the hell not!


My favorite #ScaryMovie is probably Blair Witch (2016)

Haven't seen the original one yet from 1999.

The found footage style of the movie is very immersive and it was a bad idea of me to watch it when I was younger.

Scared the shit out of me as a kid

Rat Race Production Update

Ruined CatNap

The demo will be released on friday the 18th!

''Could someone be at my window?''

Made some CatNap 2D art based off the chapter 3 main menu.