Leonard long legs smacks, his lips as he stairs at twelve waffles. "That's a lot waffles." Jaden said. Logan long legs comes, around the corner. "You ate all the waffles?" Logan long legs asked. "Yes I did." Leonard long legs replied. "Could have asked us, if we wanted any." Logan long legs said. "Nuh uh! If I give you the waffles I won't get any!" Leonard long legs said. "Logan would you like a waffle?" Jaden asked. "There is no more waffles, I have them all!" Leonard long legs said. I know it's an example!" Jaden said. "Why yes Jaden, I think I would like two waffles." Logan long legs said. "You can't... you two of them!?" Leonard long legs said. "So if Logan gets two waffles. And I get two waffles. That still leaves, eight waffles for you." Jaden said. "I don't want eight waffles! I want twelve! I want twelve of them!" Leonard long legs said. "If you can seriously eat all of those waffles, I will personally drive you to the store to buy more." Jaden said. "I just... I just don't know why you guys, get all the waffles!" Leonard long legs said. "You still have more waffles, then me and Jaden combined." Logan long legs said. "They're mine! I got them from the freezer, and I put them on my plate!" Leonard long legs said. "You guys are being selfish!" Leonard long legs said.
1 year ago
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I bet it was CaseOh
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Made this in culinary class