Frankburt's: The Start

4 years ago

Frankburt's Pizza Diner Security Office COMPLETE!

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Next up

Dreaming, A place full of souls in torment and somebody important for you trying to communicate more aren't a nice equation for a dream. This should be called... a Nightmare Abomination.

(Corpse Flesh Model By: @lacosa1954 )

NOOOOOT soon, I will do a REMAKE

Protocol "T" Status: Failed. Protocol "AWAKE" Status: Executing.


Frankburt, I told you not to wear your suit, go to parts and services and put it on now, your show will start soon.

Rat Race Production Update

Happy Birthday FNaF!!! This is an amazing day for not only FNaF is celebrating its birthday but also it is now a DECADE! To celebrate this evet we have which might be the last annoucement before 1.0 Release.

Main beta testing is DONE! Trailer Soon....

Hmm. . . .

The Past Must Be Revealed!