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Gamejolt ad's just really aren't it

If I had a nickel for every chance I've gotten to gush about furret today, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice. #MyFavoriteMon

Oh lord, I breached 400, I have to be responsible now WHAT HAVE I D

GAME BOY MUSIC! 👾 If you missed @defensem3ch 's ICONIC set from our Cursed Concert with @PlusMusic , you're in luck.


Check our posts this weekend for recordings of @WiseDrums , @bmxescape and @marcspence1210 !

You folks have no idea the amount of power you've just placed at my fingertips

Side note: Love ya'll. I mean, I have no idea why any of you follow me, but it really is appreciated

Joltober might be over for the year, but we'll never get over all your awesomely spooky art!

Check out a few favorites from our #Joltober art challenge below.


Does this look like the face of mercy? #FanArtFriday

I'm not going to provide much context folks, but I got full credit recently for a history assignment I did in which I included this image

The Cursed Concert we put on with our pals at @PlusMusic was INTERNATIONAL. Here's @marcspence1210 's smashing set from the show!

Check out the rest of the sets from @WiseDrums , @bmxescape and @defensem3ch on our page and Music community!

It is one of life's many cruelties that I can't own this lil' creature. Just... look at 'em 🥺#DragonDay