Hello! Welcome to this month's Beatstown Brawl Development Update! A metric FUCKTON has happened since our last update and we'll detail it all here. And for those of you who are new, I hope you have a nice time here!
Why don't we get the obvious out of the way.
The Beatstown Brawl Trailer + Gameplay Showcase
This was released publicly a month ago and was the first look at the mod that was officially released! This included what will be in the mod (to a degree) and the full first song in gameplay!
The response to it has been really nice both on Twitter, Youtube, and Discord so I am really glad you all are interested in the mod! However, for reasons we'll get into, expect a more updated showcase to come later.
2. Okay here is the actual state of the mod

While the mod has seen notable changes from the last devlog update, I can unfortunately say it has been more 5 steps forward one step back.
The step back is that our voice actor for Boyfriend and Girlfriend got too caught up in stuff irl to voice the characters anymore. So we do not have a voice actor for Boyfriend and Girlfriend. If you WANT to voice them, more details can be found here: https://gamejolt.com/p/looking-for-voice-actors-to-work-on-friday-night-funkin-beatstown-evzg9gvy
It also details Crusty, since his OG voice left, but we do have a new actor for Crusty in the form of CozyDough.

In terms of the mod, we have the first two songs and the dialogue for the first basically complete, I am working on coding in achievements (and hopefully finish the Gamejolt API Integration with Psych if anyone can help me with that shoot me a dm on discord at QuagFire#5135 pls I need it).
As for the animated cutscenes, because they are taking such a long time to finish these cutscenes will be added in AFTER launch, and we'll do the hex style of cutscenes for before launch. So don't worry, they are still coming, they just might come a little later than usual, because everyone on the team underestimated how long they would take.
That being said, I'm far enough into development to actually send out test builds to bug testers and the response has been nothing but positive, so I am really glad this is shaping up to be a mod a lot of people can enjoy!
Future Plans for the Mod (Pre and Post Release)

So, between now and the next development update, I'm hoping that the third song is done, I can get the Gamejolt API Integration to work (again, QuagFire#5135. Help, please.) and get the voice actors for Boyfriend and Girlfriend!

As for Post-Release, we are planning to add the cutscenes like I said, but I will also make the official announcement that more weeks are planning to come in the future! We don't have any planned release windows for those, but we hope you'll stick around long enough to check out these awesome updates!
And with that, this concludes the 11/4 Beatstown Brawl Development update. Whether you came from Supa Hot Funkin', Steven After not Surviving, or were here the whole time, thank you for checking out my work, and I hope you like the mod when it releases!