5 years ago


attack - summon a fly in two tile away in last facing direction

activate - moves the fly to nearest pawn even if its the summoner


attack - stab in facing direction

activate - none yet



Next up

Update on Trello Page For Game

Update on the progress for the trello board

now onto the guns yay got rail gun working just need to do all the others and then make it work with multiplayer

finished the 3d editor and 3d drawing methords

3d editor (basic hub)

tweaking render distance and render cone

rendering voxels in the middle of optimizing it but I'm gonna be doing chunk loading instead of reading form a stupid list this needs to run on the bare bones shitting laptops my school uses so that's most of my goal right now without 30fps

just added a basic gun so now u can hold something and latter will add a shooting target and bulllets link of me doing the code

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop