4 years ago

Fun fact: I was having an hard time while figuring out what character should be added in Coso 2 (that it ended up being Cosonet).

I originally considered 2 plushies of Coso & Cosa, a blue Advanced Coso (don't ask me why) and a humanoid Meow


By the way, the only concept that I can show you is this of humanoid Meow (Basically Cosonet but inverted roles)



Next up

This song right here made me like Security Breach, I can't even explain how it's just so good.

Repainted in Gold's gamepage update is HERE!

I have an idea for an amazing teaser but the game has priority over it. So you'll receive it later on gamers.

For now, here, take this Springsuit's placeholder image

The Coso Files

Best birthday gift ever.

I forced him to eat stones

Coso designs

I officially invite Powerplex to beta test Repainted in Gold.

Goodbie JOLLY 4 my last fanart for you <3

Coso (Tried a different style)

May my love for placeholders never fade away