Curiosities in Five Nights at Coso Community

What is it? Did Meow just drain all of your power?
When I was developing Coso 1 and 2 Remake, I recorded some videos so that I can show them to my friends.
I decided to make them public, so there you go!
Fun fact: Why did the animatronic put you inside themselves?
Simply because I just wanted to give a different reason instead of the one in FNaF 1... So there you go!
Not as fun as I intended, but it's still something XD
Fun fact: I made purple the highest difficulty in the FNaCoso 2 because my ex crush was named "Viola" (purple in italian).
Yes I was an ultra epic MidaSimp.
Now I only simp for developing FNaCoso 3
Fun fact: I was having an hard time while figuring out what character should be added in Coso 2 (that it ended up being Cosonet).
I originally considered 2 plushies of Coso & Cosa, a blue Advanced Coso (don't ask me why) and a humanoid Meow