I knew about Jonathan and his work before he did Flumpty's, I had played his Riddle games beforehand from when he was still named JonBro. I was a bit late to the party on those, but I've played all of them except for the first one and Riddle Transfer 2. Maybe when I finish the game I'll go and play both of those. Seriously recommend any of his games, Undercook is pretty good too.
I've been in the FNaF community since August 12th, 2014. I remember this because I was on a late summer vacation starting that day, and my friend had informed me of the game's existence. This was only 4 days after the official release of the game. I'm extremely OG when it comes to Five Nights.
I've been following VR as a technology since 2013-2014, when Oculus was first formed and they came out with the Oculus DK1. It was made out of cell phone parts and had no hand controllers. The Razer Hydras were the first consumer VR motion controllers, and they lowkey sucked.
I've spent well over $500 on this game already and I'll never make any of it back. And I'm totally okay with that! This is being made not for profit. It's a passion project! If you're wondering, the new headset was $400 (I'm Canadian), the link cable was $50, and the font called Eurostile which Jon used was $42 to license. Yes, I did indeed spend $42 on a font. I wanted everything to look authentic. I am an idiot. I actually worked retail for that money. God dammit.
I usually like to listen to videos or a podcast or whatnot while I work on games and such. I've been just watching whatever @DawkoYoutube
videos and listening to the Curse of Dreadbear soundtrack, which freaking slaps.
Flumpty's hall jumpscare has already been implemented, and some more of the building is currently under construction, as is all the other characters. No idea how I'm gonna pull off the eyesaur. Might need some help for that one.
Next up
Breathing new life into a classic FNaF fangame with a VR remake!
One Night at Flumpty's 2 VR is now underway! The game will be available for Oculus devices and ported to the Vive and Index later.
Check it out! Or I'll have to rip you brand new face!
Just stopping in with a quick devlog!
My development unit (my shiny new Oculus Quest 2) is on its way!
I've also begun to program and implement a lights system along with enemy encounters, such as this one here.
That's all for now! Ciao!
No update yet today, I will work on this game a little later today. I got my headset and I've literally been playing VR all day to be honest. Can't tear myself away from it. I promise I'll get some work done, haha. Take care guys!
Rat Race Production Update
Hey all! It's been a while!
Yep, I missed the original release date by a MILE.
But I think mid to late February is quite a realistic goal, considering I'm back to work on this.
Mid development hell will not kill this project, I gotta bite the bullet!
Made a VR menu. Kinda cool, bit awkward with Flumpty just standing there. I'll probably add some sort of visual gag. But yeah, I thought it would be clever for the little side cursor to be an eyeball sprite.
Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!
Grunkfuss The Clown wants to play with you tonight. Sleep with one eye open.